The choir from the DatzebergThe Soundtrack of our Lives
For four months long we meet every Monday in the Sunshine Kindergarten, singing songs from the radio that everyone has heard. Then it gets serious. With the general practice and a concert, we present what we have rehearsed to an audience. After a party to round off the year and celebrate our successes, we take a creative break and then begin practising again for the next concert. Since the choir was founded in 2014, we cannot help but be proud of our big concerts, 3 music videos and 2 documentaries to look back on.
Your Title Goes Here
Where: At the Sunshine Kindergarten on Max-Adrion-Street 49
When: Monday 8:00-9:30 PM
Who: Anyone who wants to sing – from 16 years old
Plus: A special event (e.g. a concert) at the end of the half year
Sing With Us!
Come and bring your individuality to the choir! You don’t need prior experience and you don’t need to be able to read music. Simply bring your voice and come with us on this
A crazy bunch of people, who sing and overcome challenges together are waiting for you. We sing songs from the radio so you will presumably have already
heard the majority of the songs.
The Idea Behind It
We founded the schall.platte on hope and perspective, in which we can give back to the choir members by allowing them to understand the true meaning of the words of their voice. We have experienced positive improvements in our voices and commitment to the choir, even on personal and communal scales. For example, we perform on different stages and find that we are heard by society. Every individual is a valuable part of the choir. We
are a mixture of different people and together we achieve something beautiful.
In this way the choir has made a low-cultural threshold on the Datzeberg. A wonderful side-effect of the schall.platte is that many great people from the Datzeberg and their
potential comes to the forefront and this improves the image of our neighbourhood.
Who's It For?
For you, if you are between the ages of 16 to 123 years old and want to sing. The schall.platte is an all age choir and everyone is warmly invited. Come and raise your voice with us!
Our Videos:
"Wir machen das klar!"
Our first music video. A declaration of love for our neighbourhood!
Unfortunately the image of this neighbourhood and its’ residents is rather negative. “Wir machen das klar” (“We Make That Clear”) should be an anthem for this great neighbourhood in Neubrandenburg. Based on the song by Jan Delay, the Datzeberg is portrayed in picture and sound, showing how we experience and love it!
A Documentary of our Hamburg Tour
Hamburg! Hamburg!
In June 2017 the choir from the Datzeberg embarked on an adventure into the world – to Hamburg in particular. There we put on three small concerts. And who better to accompany us on this epic trip and split it into scenes accordingingly than the film maker, Jens Lange.
„Oft gefragt“ - AnnenMayKantereit
Our second music video “Oft gefragt” (“Often Asked”).
In the chorus it says…”home will always be you” and that’s what we would like to say about our neighbourhood too. When we went to Hamburg and sang there, we were always reminded of returning home to the Datzeberg. Not because we had to but because we like it here, we have many, great neighbours and because we have simply found our home here.
Project Leaders:
Sebastian Zaddach, Joel Ilchmann, Stefan Schlag, Jakob Regin
»It moves us when we witness so many different people come together as one. How we experience adventure with ease and always accomplish the impossible.«
+49 395 35176530
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