Our Vision

»For light to radiate through the everyday lives of the people from the Datzeberg, where life unfolds – becoming brighter, warmer and more colourful and beauty prevails.«


polylux is a non-profit charity and social welfare organisation, which is situated on the Datzeberg – a housing estate in Neubrandenburg. We want to play an active role in shaping this neighbourhood.


The place that’s close to our hearts. The place where we are a part of. The typical East German housing estate forms the skyline of Neubrandenburg and is the second youngest neighborhood in the city.


We love projects! They create a diverse platform where we can invest in the people from the Datzeberg with heart and devotion and together we can allow beauty to become visible.


Our volunteers have been the backbone to our work from the very beginning. We work with around 50 amazing people. Some sporadic, the majority regulars. That makes us very happy and we do not take them for granted! Therefore it is all the more important to live a positive and appreciative work culture. We organise an annual “Thank You Fest” for all of our employees and volunteers, as a way of saying thank you. Thank you so much for your involvement.


The schall.platte is our all age choir project from the Datzeberg. Unfortunately the image of this neighbourhood and its’ residents is rather negative. Therefore we decided to make a music video. “We Make That Clear” should be an anthem for this great neighbourhood. Based on the song by Jan Delay, the Datzeberg is portrayed in picture and sound, showing how we experience it and love it!

Our Motivation

The word “polylux” means much light. Light is an essential ingredient to life. Light brings about growth and development. What we hope for and work towards is for everything that happens through the name of polylux to become brighter, warmer and more colourful. That life will unfold and beauty will prevail. As Christians we believe that this life-giving light comes from God and that He wants to shine through us, making Himself known to our fellow neighbours.

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Reference to the processing of your information and the right to object is found in our Data Protection Statement


Alfred-Haude-Straße 7
17034 Neubrandenburg
+49 395 35176530

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